hey guys, dr. axe here, doctor of naturalmedicine and founder of draxe.com. in this video i'm going to share with you the naturalcures for psoriasis, as well as psoriasis remedies and psoriasis natural treatments.i can tell you this is very effective. in fact, you can see improvements in your psoriasisin as little as 24 hours if you follow the tips i lay out in this video. i know this works because i've done it withthousands of patients. even my own father-in-law had psoriasis and saw a 98% improvement injust 30 days by following this advice. in fact, my father-in-law was on 4 medicationsfor 20 plus years, diagnosed with psoriasis, said it could never be healed and we wereable to heal it through following the tips
you're going to learn in this video. so we'regoing to talk about diet for psoriasis, supplements and other things here over the next few minutes. so the number one thing you've got to startdoing when it comes to psoriasis is you've got to change your diet and you've got toadd in these foods. number one is probiotic rich foods, whether that be yogurt or kefiror fermented vegetables. it's so important that you get to the root cause of psoriasis,which really starts in your gut health. it starts with a condition called leaky gut.by the way, if you want to learn more about that you can do a google search for dr. axeleaky gut and i have some great information there as well on that.
but again, psoriasis starts in the gut soyou've got to increase those beneficial bacteria in your gut. the best way to do that is fermentedfoods, especially things like goats milk yogurt is one of my favorite, or goats milk kefir.you can find that at your health food store. you can also find it at your local farmersmarket, are the best places to find those fermented foods. so that is step number one. you also need to get more fiber in your diet.soluble fiber feeds probiotics, so consume more berries, things like blueberries especiallyare probably the best. along with that doing cruciferous vegetables like cauliflower andgreen leafy vegetables like spinach and then seeds, like flax or chia seeds. they're fullof healthy soluble fiber which increases good
bacteria in your gut. the third type of food that you want to bedoing are foods high in omega 3 fatty acids, such as wild caught fish like salmon, alsomackerel is good, arctic char is good, sardines are good and tuna is good. but fatty fishthat are full of omega 3 fatty acids and other foods that are high in omega 3 fats such asgrass fed beef. you've got to get more of these in your diet if you want to start overcomingpsoriasis. and then, just in general doing fruits and vegetables are some of the bestfoods for helping you overcome psoriasis. and then herbs such as turmeric are very goodat reducing inflammation, and well as dandelion is another great one.
the second thing you've got to do if you wantto get rid of psoriasis is get rid of the foods that cause inflammation that you'reconsuming. if you're consuming a diet that's very high in processed meats such as porkor conventional beef, that's very toxic to the liver. that's going to increase the symptomsof psoriasis that you are having. so eliminate conventional meat products. eliminate hydrogenatedoils. get rid of sugar, sugar is highly inflammatory. and even reduce your consumption of wholegrains, especially when it comes to things like wheat bread and white bread or any sortof wheat and flour products. get rid of those completely. that's essential to healing psoriasis. jumping back, one more tip i forgot, anotherfood you should absolutely consume if you
want to overcome psoriasis is bone broth.bone broth is high in collagen which actually helps heal the gut, which in turn helps youhave healthy skin. and the best sort of broth to do is chicken broth because it's high intype two collagen which helps repair the gut lining and also helps in healing the skin.so again, i would get chicken broth for that. the next thing you want to do is take certainsupplements. here are the top supplements you should consume for psoriasis natural curesand treatments. number one is going to be a probiotic supplement. again probiotics helpincrease those beneficial bacteria. don't buy a junk probiotic supplement. make sureyou buy a high quality probiotic supplement. number two is experiment with taking hydrochloricacid, that's hcl with pepsin. taking hcl with
pepsin helps you break down proteins and partof what causes psoriasis is poor protein digestion. so when you're consuming protein with psoriasis,you don't want to consume large amounts of meat. you want to consume moderate, aboutfour to a maximum of six ounces at one serving, but typically four ounces of organic wildcaught meat. and along with that you can take what's called hcl with pepsin. you only takethose with protein though. you'll start with one tablet and if you feel any warming inyour stomach you back it down next time in terms of the capsules. but again that's hclwith pepsin. the third supplement you want to considertaking with psoriasis is fish oil. taking 1000 mg a day of a high quality fish oil withepadha can really support the body.
the fourth supplement for psoriasis is milkthistle. milk thistle helps detoxify the liver. part of what is happening in psoriasis isoverburdening of the liver. so again by taking milk thistle and other herbs like dandelionthose help cleanse the liver. those also help reduce symptoms of psoriasis. also vitamind is a key nutrient in overcoming psoriasis. i recommend 4000-5000 mg a day of a high qualityvitamin d3 supplement. and one other thing you might consider as well are digestive enzymes.sometimes those can also help with psoriasis. so if you can follow those tips, i guaranteeyou're going to see tremendous benefits in psoriasis. and from a topical solution standpoint, irecommend you make your own diy recipe for
a skin cream. basically you're going to buysomething called shea butter online, that's s-h-e-a, and mix certain essential oils, specificallymy favorite is geranium oil. so again, you're going to get a shea butter, maybe a littlebit of coconut oil and then you're going to mix several drops of geranium oil in there,geranium essential oil, and then rub that on your skin. also tea tree oil, chamomileoil and lavender essential oil are also very effective for naturally treating psoriasisand other skin conditions such as eczema or dermatitis as well. but again, make a natural skin cream and getthat on your skin. make sure you're getting out in the sun when you can. you're gettingmore vitamin d that way.
i know that's a lot of tips. by the way ifyou want the written version of this, i have it written on my website, draxe.com. justgo to d-r-a-x-e.com and search psoriasis or google search me and search dr. axe psoriasisand you'll find my article going over the top supplements, where to get them, all onlineon my website. by the way, if you want more of these tips, make sure you subscribe hereto the youtube channel. i've got some awesome stuff coming out on natural cures you'll enjoy.guys this has been myself, dr. axe, talking about natural cures for psoriasis as wellas the diet and remedies to help naturally treat psoriasis.