Thursday, February 23, 2017

Natural Treatment for the disease measles review AT adult orangutan


Natural Treatment for the disease measles review AT adult orangutan

aloha and welcome toinsights, i'm malia mattoch your host for torrent's 2013, national centers for disease control andprevention reported that 80% hawai'i, had among thehighest vaccination rate in the united states. as forthe other 20%, some can't get the shots because they're tooyoung, or they have health conditions that make thevaccines too risky. others have religious orphilosophical objections to some, or perhaps all,vaccinations. while there

are currently no measlescases in hawai'i, outbreaks connected to illinois, diecare centers and disneyland have brought the debate to theforefront. are unvaccinated children putting those whocan't be vaccinated at risk? tonight, should hawai'irequire vaccinations for all healthy children? if youwould like to join the discussion on mandatoryvaccinations, please call, e-mail or tweet yourquestions and comments during tonight's live to our panel. dr. sarah

park is the stateepidemiologist and chief of the department of healthdisease outbreak control division. in 2012, she wasappointed to the national biodefense science board tohelp prevent, prepare for and respond to public healthemergencies. senator josh green served two terms in thestate house of representatives before beingelected to the senate in 2008, senator green is chairman ofthe health committee and is also an emergency roomphysician on the big island.

dr. leonard horowitz is aretired dentist who now works as a public health expert.dr. horowitz speaks and writes about why peopleshould on the for natural cures instead of be beingvaccinated. janet edghill spent 28 years as electricalengineer for the department of defense. recentlycertained a doctorate to learn about the education ofautistic children like her 7-year-old son who shebelieves was vaccine injured. thank you for joining ustonight.

dr. park if i could start withyou, how much risk does the unvaccinated children pose tothe state in the event of outbreak of measles scare?>> post significant risk not only to themselves but the tothe community. hence, should they be opted out ofvaccinations, we, unlike other states of the nation,will take the measures to protect them and those aroundthem by asking them to exclude themselves from school andfrom the community in general. during intubationphase this they've been

exposed. so we can monitorthem and protect other kids who will be potentially indanger from getting the disease. they pose quite asignificant risk. the the risk is not just fromunvaccinated children but unvaccinated adults. numberof kids have now grown up, now seeing sort of a changing ofepidemiology in that we are seeing unvaccinated kidsbeing affected. now seeing the unvaccinated adults, kidswho grew up and now bringing the diseases back themhawai'i and spreading it to

the community. many of thesediseases are actually worse getting then as an adult. sothe fear is for them, as well, worry is that we'll start tosee some complications that are going to occur, morelikely to occur in adults. those in 20, are more likelyto have complications from the measles, virus, than saythose between 5 and 20. those complications, theycould be minor, minor, as ear infection, otitis media,diarrhea, pneumonia, can be quite severe, and then on themore extreme side of the

spectrum, something calledencephalitis, brain infection and inflammation,even hospitalization because of all the complications andunfortunately death, which is usually rare or uncommon.but there are all of these types of complications andthen of course the long term complication that many peoplearen't really aware of is something called subacuteencephalitis, i have taken care of child who waspreviously vaccinated. long term complication that occurspeople recovered from the

measles infection. 7 to 10years down the line. no way to predict who is going tosuccumb to this. they do. progressionive neurologicaland mental degeneration that's usually fatal. it'sheart rending to diagnose it and to watch it.>> certainly, what percentage of individuals who contractthis as opposed to how many people have vaccine injuriesrealistic, look at vaccine injuries which don't alwaysoccur. >> number one issue that'sbeen completely neglected,

grossly neglected, violationof the public health trust, no definitive health analysisdone. make sure we're not killing and maiming morepeople than we're helping and saving and the fact is withoutthe definitive data on knowing how many people arebeing injured, essentially you're propagandizing whatamounts to the mass killing of people or maiming of peoplefor profit, for the pharmaceutical industrial.>> first, put this into perspective. i want to berespectful to everyone's

opinion. beforevaccinations, polio caused paralysis in vast segments ofsociety and killed people. before vaccinations,smallpox devastated societies killing millions ofpeople. before food vaccinations we had globalpandemic. i respect people's choices in life ofwhether they're going to get immunizations or not fortheir children. we could be wiped out if we didn't have atleast some capacity to immunize ourselves. thishas been the greatest public

health success that we'veseen. it is tragic if people have concerns and thesecomplications, when i see people in the er that havemeningitis that they could have prevented, i still haverelationships with people who suffered polio. it is sotragic, that i think we have to be at least mindful thatvaccinations have made a big difference for humanity.>> speaking of polio vaccine, initially faith put into it.given to a child of cdc individual. maybegrandchild, it also,

contaminated with virus 40,so called because it was the 40th monkey virus. calledtoday. >> it's reality about what thesenator just said is really incomplete. and again,omissions and misrepresentations fraud,eventually, to say that the polio vaccine caused thedisappearance of polio, you have to forget first vaccineswere hideously contaminated which caused horrific cancerpandemics. the reality salk vaccine replaced, wasn't thatmuch better. still live

attenuated viruses. thesalk vaccine was never killed. 40th monkey virusever discovered. two brilliant women went to thenational institute of director smidel, said, if youcontinue. we've tested the merck vaccine over the shelf.if you continue to allow them to go out, all have epidemicsof cancer you've ever seen. it was called took her 10years before they she got to the united states congressand in an appeal, because she had been demoted, defund,ostracized, persecuted and

se polioma was stolen.renamed it. dr. hillerman at merck renamed it the sv40virus. sexist, outrageous cover up to the original poliovaccine. >> sb40 is being isolatedtoday cancerous tumors. demonstration of verticaltransmission between parent to child.>> that's right. hideous. >>malia: dr. park a chance totalk. >> i'm just curious as to thedata, your data in terms of saying claiming that polioviruses, or vaccine is

directly linked to epidemicsof cancer. i certainly haven't seen those studies.more importantly, there have been huge successes inpreventing the instance of polio and we're making hugestrides in eliminating, eradicating, not eveneliminating, eradicating. let me point out for folks whomay not understand the terms eradication, elimination,for viruses that only exist in human, polio, there is a hope,smallpox we have eradicated. there's a hope to eradicateit, wipe it off the face of the

earth. because it onlyexists in humans. that is the goal of polio. centersfor disease control, health organization, those of inpublic health. with measle, virus, unfortunately, thatvirus can exist in humans and prime aves. goal with pleasehe wills and viruses and pathogens is to eliminate it.doesn't mean we can -- basically means we canbe successful in wiping it off the the face of the earth.but we can be successful eliminating it from the humanpopulation. cdc declared

and world health organizationdeclared that measles virus eliminated from the u.s. inthe year 2000. that meant there was no continuoustransmission for 12 months of measles in the u.s. at all.that was a huge success. also, it was sobering successbecause original goal to eliminate measles was you can see it took quite a long time to actually meetthat goal. and now, we're seeing since ensuing time, alot of stepping backwards. we made, those successes werehugely largely in part

because of the vaccinationssuccesses. now, because, please let me finish. butnow, because we are seeing increasing pockets of peoplewho are refusing vaccine, now, because we have, we'reseeing disease basically cropping up again in placeswhere it has been largely eliminated in europe, wherewe thought that they were being successful too, we'reseeing more and more disease elsewhere. it's beingbrought home. now also seeing, it's not beingbrought home to us by

visitors. by people whodon't even live here. but being brought home by these pockets of unvaccinated grow, we'rebasically continuing to step backwards in time. truly,unfortunate. i agree with dr. green. can i finish?>> you spoken now for a couple of minutes.>> let her finish her thought and let's go to you.>> i want too say, i respect people's opinions and i wouldrespect that they, i would hope that they would alsorespect mine. i don't

anticipate during thisconversation we're going to change each other's mind.that is not my goal. my goal is just to present our side ofit. essentially, our, and hopefully, educate some folkswho might still have questions, and that's reallyit. because i understand you feel very passionately. sodo we. i've taken care of patients who basically havesuccumbed or suffered severe complications from vaccineprevented diseases that could have been easily preventible.i'm passionate. i've had

children. parents, beg me todo something to help their child. can you imagine beingbegged by a parent to help them at all costs and to dealwith a parent who knows, understands, that it couldhave been prevented. so i understand your passion, buti also would hope that you respect mine.>> dr. horowitz. then i would like to hear from you.>> first of all, you claimed quote, significant risk thatunvaccinated children pose to vaccinated children. youdemand data on cancer rates

increased from vaccinations.>> i'm asking. not contesting.>> >> you have no data on theconcept of what you just stated. essentially, whatyou just stated is not scientific. it's completelyunscientific. in fact, it's strictly propaganda.dr. park, this is from our local newspaper, tribuneherald. it says in here that your quoted as saying peoplelike us, health official, not have the vaccine, in myopinion, is crazy. well,

frankly, that makes peoplelike myself crazy. and it makes this pbs, which has donea morning edition that stating that breast feedingmothers and people engaged in natural medicine, slurs them.>> please don't put breast feeding mothers. as i am aproponent of that. >> these people aredisparaged. this discussion deals with mandatoryvaccinations. i had a daughter would was literallyevicted from hilo high school, straight a student,first year freshman varsity,

made varsity track and field.told to leave. literally. we had to have a lawsuitinvolved because she refused for religious reasons tohave, not take the tuberculosis skin test. i'mfamiliar with everything from the science to the politics ofthis. i'm saying we're not crazy. you are -->> it's not a vaccine. it's a test. it's not a vaccine.>> still, you're injecting foreign rna -->> not mixing ideas here. >> i want to give ms. edghilla chance.

>> i i believe the risk ofmeasles and adverse effects from contracting wild measlesadversely overstated. this is just a term i pulled offfrom the centers of disease website from vital statisticsvaccine licensed in 1963. wasn't widely introduceduntil after that. we can see dr. green that it's well lessthan one person. about .25, maybe less thanthat. i have something here from the british medicaljournal. needless nowadays. when you say the polio iseradicated, measles have

already been eradicated.what about nutrition, sanitation? polio. 500cases of pole yes from the vaccine in india. peerreviewed indian journal. i would be happy to share withyou. schedule increase out you have control. kids aregetting 49 and over 60 vaccines prior to startingschool. i think one thing that we can all agree on isthat we're not genetic clones. there are geneticissues that we really need to do better identifying.plenty about this literature.

army has done vaccinate foreverything. and they were able to isolate a gene mtf4,mutations on a particular gene, which is generallyresponsible for the way that our bodies detox tie.identified this. few studies as risk factor foradverse events. then i have peer reviews bydr. gregory poland. also happens to be the editor inchief of vaccine journal, peer reviewed journal ofvaccine developers and manufacturers. he's coineda whole new term and study

called vaccinomics. he'sidentified number of genes, called vaccine injuries butalso people with certain genes, no immunity whatsoeverfrom a vaccine. >>malia: why you are thoughtson this? >> it's a passionate topic.a appreciate, really appreciate the discussion.let me first start by saying that in 2000, over 750,000kids globally died of please else. 77 -- measles.770,000 in the world. >> stop interrupting me,we'll have a civil

conversation.>>malia: let's all give everyone their chance tospeak. dr. green? >> so i say, and i worked asa missionary doctor even not a missionary, i'm a jew,married to a mormon girl, i immunize my two kids.770,000 children died of measles globally. as afamily physicians and now er doc, that hurts. also,i'm not saying that we shouldn't continue to improvvaccinations and their formulation. of course weshould.

that's science. so iappreciate the statement that were made by janet. sothere's nothing, i'm not arguing with anyone aboutalways improving the science of our immunology, of what wepropose as public health officials. i'm not eventrying to defend anyone globally. i'm saying that ifwe can save children's lives, if we can look at the data,which i believe is bound, we should do it.>>malia: i would like to get some questions. from lloyd.don't schools in hawai'i

already require children tobe vaccinated in order to be admitted? dr. park, couldyou answer that? >> yes. so for school entryin the state of hawai'i, it is required to adhere to thevaccine schedule. however, in the state of hawai'i,unlike, or like many other states, in the nation, you canrequest an exemption from that vaccine requirementeither medical exemption. physician would testifybasically validate the fact that there's a problem withyour immune system. usually

it's for a child who's onchemotherapy. obviously, that affects their immune.>>malia: medically can't get the vaccination.>> right. they're exempt for that period that they're onthe chemotherapy. it's not all for life kind of thing.but the other potential is to request a religious, what wecall religious exemption which really in all intents anpurposes is essentially a philosophical exemptionbecause of parent can just write in and say, it's againsttheir personal belief. so

that is the route that peoplecan take. >>malia: are those exemptionsgoing up or down? >> the medical exemptionshave stayed stable. which is good news in some regardsbecause obviously f it went up, we would be worried thatwe're seeing some sort of medical issue among ourchildren. the religious exemptions, however, justlike in many other statings we're starting to see it edgehigher and higher. that's what i'm referring to, that isthe concern. before people

used to maybe say, oh, well,we know this community on this particular island is, that'swhere all of these antivaccine folks are.we're seeing it scattered throughout the state. likeevery other state in the nation. seeing it in everycommunity. it could be your next door neighbor. it's notjust a one area of one population. so it isstarting to grow. but this is an option for kids inhawai'i for their parents if they are really stronglyagainst it. however, as i

mentioned earlier, we do havethe authority to protect the public's health and again,protect the individual, and say, if you've been exposed orif you actually have vaccine preventible disease, i'msorry, but you need to be isolated from the rest of thepublic. >>malia: quick follow-upquestion to that. if say a small private school thatisn't part of the d.o.e., were to want to change theirphilosophy about allowing -- >> this allows public orprivate.

>>malia: private schoolcannot decide we're going to change the policy?>> this applies to public and private. only exceptionwould be children who are home schooled and not in a groupsetting. >>>>malia: you wanted to say something?>> i forgot. point out was that we do in fact havesetting, you have shared sad stories of patients whosuccumb to vaccine preventible diseases. ihave a friend whose daughter

15 months received mmr. shequickly deteriorated. descended into autism.bowel disease, all sorts of other things. on top ofthat, 3 weeks after receiving the vaccine, measles virusshed in her poop, in her diaper. mom was changing thediaper. didn't know she was immunocompromised person.developed multiple sclerosis. tons ofresearch. peer reviewed research. lack of activity.we hear from the medical community is it'sunvaccinated people. just

over 80% of people incalifornia outbreak fully vaccinated. now they're idon't know, 10% or so were partially vaccinated andpercentage, we're not vaccinating at all. this isin reference to what you were saying earlier, i agree withhim and i agree with you, that we are constantly trying toimprove the medical tools that we have, protect thepublic health, to protect children and as i said, notjust children but adults. vaccine, i said this over andover, vaccines are not

perfect in their protection.nothing is 100%. >> they injure.(simultaneous discussion) >> there could be fullyvaccinated individuals who unfortunately get disease.there is always a possibility because as you also, youyourself pointed out, i agree with you, everyone's immunesystem is a little differently. and therefore,in that, i'm agreeing with you on that. that's why youcannot say, that 100%, you can't -->> over 80% of the population

is fully vaccinated.(simultaneous discussion) >> the goal is increase theimmunity of the entire population. understandingthat there will also be a few. handful of people(overlapping conversation) >> i would disagree with youon that. >> people who wereconscientious objectors crazy?>>malia: you reference, i do want to clarification for ourviewers. you mentioned mmr. measles, mumps, rubella.>> cdc whistle blower

providing information tocongressman's office. indicated thatstatistically, significant information was withheld from2004 study. which had rapid increase, 340 frequent fourfold, african-american males who received the vaccination,prior to 3 years of age. this is very importantinformation. hopefully, he'll be providing furtherinformation, how he released an e-mail from colleen boil,in charge of developmental disabilities at the cdc, inwhich she said, diagnosed

until 3. how about if weintroduced 18-month-olds and one-month-old and2-year-oldings. what does that do to our data? showsomewhat cooking the books in some cases. if i can get backto the tetanus. the fda released a press releasenovember 2013. we've been testing pertussis vaccine inorangutans. we have found pertussis germs growing inthe back of throats and contagious for several weeks.we could argue that vaccinated individuals arespreading diseases. we need

to elevate this argument orthe succession beyond vaccines.>> i understand what you're saying. i want to make surei understand what you're saying.(overlapping conversation) >>malia: quick moment withyou and go to you. >> i want to make sure i amunderstanding what you're saying because i don't want tomisunderstand you. you're saying that you say you'resaying that people who are vaccinated against pertussisor whooping cough?

>> spreading that?>> there is where i have a little bit of problemscientifically with that. you don't believe->> wait. listen. the because the vaccines, thatvaccine is an inactivated vaccine. doesn't containthe vaccine. how does it -- >> they don't know.>> can't. you yourself are engineer. you have a tsaibackground. you are not a biologist, you would knowthen that that scientifically does not make sense. haveyou ever seen a child with

whooping cough?(overlapping conversation) >> i received probably atleast 3 or 4 telephone calls from parents who are injuredchildren after vaccines. i am sick and tired of itfrankly. the reality is you're not paying anyattention to the data of the risks, versus what you claimas a benefits. there are -- >> let me finish.the fact that you're not aware (overlapping conversation)>>malia: everyone has a chance to simply say theirinformation. dr. horowitz,

finish your point and i havea follow-up points. >> if vaccines worked, whywould you be so concerned about those few people, let'ssay, 3% in hawai'i, who for religious reasons, or anyother reason, philosophical, exempt out.>> you want her -- wait a minute. let's take a look atyour conflicting interests. do you work on the board ofnational biosurveillance and response with pfizer?>> no. pfizer is not one of seven members of that board.>> it's a government board.

is federal advisory.>> one of the major people administering decisionmaking on a national basis, with pfizer group andrepresenting now an influence on the national response -->> there are members from different deliberately fromdifferent walks of life. we are not supposed to bebringing in our sort of commercial interests.>> exactly you're not supposed to be. that's mypoint. outrageous -- >>malia: let's make this lesspersonal. talk about facts.

>> if you say a murder goingon in the street and you don't report that, you have a publicduty to report that. to do everything in your power tostop that crime, in fact, that's public -->> i want to clarify. >> it is personal. there arechildren that i'm hearing from parents.>> i agree. >> ---weekly many of them whoare outraged that the government, in this case,dr. park, represents the entire national securityapparatus that is potentially

keeping us from outbreak andemergency. and the reality is that the manner in whichthey're going about doing this is injecting foreign rand a, bacteria, fungus, yeast, chicken embryo,multikidney disease. smallpox, might as wellinject eye of ngut they don't know what they're doing.>>malia: i would like to give dr. green a chance to talk.i understand passionate topic but we're not going to learnanything tonight chatting over each other and everyonehas been invited here as a

guest. let's not takeanyone. have a cans to speak.>> i'm pleased to be the calm one. it's been a long day.first of all, i don't know everyone at this table well.dr. park is extraordinary individual. i'm going to saythis because it's not acceptable to me personally,to have someone reference murder and this and that andthen accuse someone. this is a person that works to preventfrom her paradigm, which i respect and if others don't,that's okay, to prevent

infections from spreading.i turn to her and trust her to protect my children. i'msaying that as a father. now, people can argue aboutimmunizations. they can argue about the mandate andthey can argue about the efficacy. but let's keep itat science. it's good to talk about whether thisscience is good or better study could be done. that'show science works. we should always endeavor to improvescience. but i will not allow vaccinations and theirvalue to be dismissed. by

the same token, i never, youknow, talk down to someone if they're concerned. becausewe can always learn more. if we learn through science,that vaccinations hurt someone, if we learn that,then we will adjust them or we'll change policy.>>malia: let me ask you this follow-up question from billin aiea. are there reasons other than vaccinations thatmight account for more causes in autism? dr. green, startwith you. >> absolutely. very focusedon that issue. autism is

tragic. it breaks my breaks everyone's heart to have a child. absolutely,from my perspective, multifactoral problem. i'mbeen very concerned about many factors that affectchildren and get result in autism, result in autismspectrum diagnoses. i think personally, that a lot of theproblems from industrial society contributing. ithink it's pesticides. diagnoses are becoming moresophisticated and that has changed the number. thoseare the kind of concerns i

have. i'm also open at alltimes for the science to absolutely proceed until wefind out whether there's a genetic cause, fractured,dna, i don't know. i'm not a molecular biologist. but iknow it's not just one factor because that doesn't makesense to me as a developmental problem.>> i was speaking with a dear friend who her life has beenaffect the by this. she said something to me. wonderingif there's a middle ground to everyone. she said i believethat vaccines have value for

people. she thought thatthere was a possibility that her child and other childrenmight fall into a group for home vaccines dangerous andperhaps their need to be studies to identify if thereare some children for whom vaccines are dangerous forthe majority of the public, they are beneficial. anythoughts on that? is there some sort of middle groundthere? >> i think we know that. weagree with that. pure reviewed literature aboutvaccines, determining the

ultimate goal ofindividualized vaccines to defend genetic poly -- weknew they hurt people. in 1986, law was passed callednational childhood vaccine injury act. and so with theintent of this act was supposed to give easy accessto financial settlement for children who were injured byvaccines. this is unavoidably unsafe product.not going to make them any more. to ensure steadysupply of vaccines, government went ahead andindemnified vaccine

manufacturers. now,prescribed medication for me, same thing with side effect,i called you and i say, twice, probably say, side should stop taking it. the minute we say thatvaccines can cause side effects which were all listedright there in the vaccine inserts, some of them prettyhorrific. i have one, d tap here.>> pertussis vaccination was causing lot of vaccineinjures. to make it safer, they take only the antegen.part of the cell that's going

to produce antibody. hugesubsets of people, yet, day one of life, we vaccinate,neonate with an image of blood borne barrier. diseaseassociated with drug addict it's, hepatitis b. notconfirmed more than a few years. is your toddlerhaving sex? >> hepatitis b thevaccination, since we're changing gears here. yes,it's std, sexually transmitted disease butlinked to high rates of liver cancer. which is a verysevere disease and many case,

incurable. this is one ofthe successes -- >> can i finish?>> so some much these instance unfortunately, they are highrisk instances. not all instances, but we can'tpredict, we don't know the history behind every motherand every child and so the hope is that we can preventpotentially a blood borne risk.mother might be given it to the child in some way or thechild may in there. in the course of their life, they'rein a situation where they're

introduced to it. notnecessarily through sexually transmitted act or bloodborne pathogen, may be even unfortunately, throughhealth care associated, maybe they get a blood transfusionand it was missed, which hopefully, these days, is notlikely. but blood transfusion, so i'm puttingout there the difference-differentscenarios. the other thing is(overlapping conversation) >> we're trying to capture theopportunity before they get

to that risk period. becauseunfortunately, kids are becoming more sexually activeearlier in life. not all, but there are some out can't predict, i could tell you some stories as apediatrician that i experienced that would reallysurprise a lot of parents out there. and so we know this isa reality. it's not all, but it's trying to grab anopportunity where can he can find it. tats why wevaccinate. >> it doesn't work.>> you know,.

>> it's not fair.>> i don't disagree with you. one size doesn't fit all. idon't disagree with you saying that there's alwaysroom and need for study. that's why i would point youto, agree with you, that is why there's all sorts ofresearch looking, trying to see if determine he is therea link between some sort of adverse effect and vaccine.and over and over and over again, keep not finding it.(overlapping conversation) >> that's why we continue tolook for it and that's why the

science is important, becausewe are concerned. and concern is not for just theentire population, but for each and every child and it'snot the we're trying to protect everyone else.we're trying to protect everyone.>> dr. horowitz? >> the issue of mandatoryvaccinations actually we've got to go back in the law.the first case jacobson versus public health, bostonpublic health department. the reality at that time, andthe reason why decision was

made example exactly whatdr. park is saying, that for the benefit of the herd, masspublic, we're going to neglect the individual. inthat case, jacobson, minister. religious person.who said, flo, i'm not going to buy into this vaccine. idon't want to be intoxicate my body because leviticus 19:19says to keep my blood pure. in those case, we didn't havewhat we have today. sitting on the board. dr. park onthe national biosurveillance board.we didn't have a drug cartel.

we had people who had saved inthe medical system, they had faith in medical doctors andfaith in the truth being told to the people. today, wehave outrageous violations, criminal contempt. the factthat this organization that dr. park sits in,outrageously has been five -- >> biosurveillance?>> biodefense and surveillance.>> national preparedness and science, nationalpreparedness and response science board. by the way, ihave just terminated my

tenure on that and am now onthe national advisory for children and disasters board.which committee completely separate issue. let me justsay, you keep pointing out we're on the board, we're onthe board. i would also point out, that committee,that board, doesn't deliberate on vaccines.>> federal government. vaccinations.>> we don't actually (overlapping chatter)>>malia: i have to move on it some things that would beinformative to people.

>> last thing. thispharmaceutical company called pfizer has been finedby the united states attorney general. 1.3 billion, notmillion, billion dollars for fraud, biggest outrage in,they just payments, and damage awards that has beengiven to the federal government for violation ofthe public trust by pfizer. 2.3 billion also for the whatwas called bekstra, arthritis drug. this is theorganization in fact, i brought documentation herefrom the european union.

because both the senator anddr. park is saying, we need to go forward with thevaccination for the pneumococcal. and europeanunion in this sophisticated setting, says, there's nogood risk benefit analysis. in fact, they conclude thatno, it doesn't seem like they should go where the unitedstates has gone. thanks to dr. park and her colleagues,sitting on that board and. please don't bring that boardinto it. totally out of context.>> continue.

>> talk about that enough.what happened to smallpox in america? smallpox, can weaddress that? dr. green. >> smallpox vaccine given tothe military for this because of the potential threat thatthere could be reintroduction of smallpox from a terroristevent. it's considered eradicated from the worldbecause there is no wild type or normally occurringsmallpox in the world. huge success as i mentionedearlier. there's no smallpox disease. but thereare here in the you u.s. as

well as other country, theymaintain vaccine just in case because we know that there isa potential some terrorists out there could reintroduceit to the population. that's a threat.>>malia: talking about the fact that we were going tohave the show, if you were an adult, if you had the measlesvaccine when you were a child, if you choose vaccination, doadults need to be revaccinated with this uptick in measles? >> no.generally speaking, if you

were born 1957, were youconsidered to have likely had the disease because thedisease was rampant at the time. and it is so highlycommunicable. essentially, in a room full ofsuccessful individuals, if you drop someone with measlesin that room, 90% of individuals in that room willbecome infected. lam guaranteed. if you'resusceptible you're going to get the disease. if you wereborn before 1957, likely, had you the disease becausepretty much by the time you

were 15 years of age, no oneescaped having had the disease. you're safe. interms of your natural immune. since then, then we expectthat people should have been vaccinated with at least onedose. the caveat is early doses of early forms of measlevaccine, they actually had an inactivated form, not a livevirus vaccine not very effective in terms ofimmunity. for those individuals, they actually upuntil they were probably, using that vaccine up untilabout is the 1967 or so. the

recommendation is up untilthat point, for those adults, you may want to consider behighly recommended especially if you're going toa high risk situation, you travel a lot internationally,for example, you get the current mmr formulation,which is a live virus because it's a highly effectivevaccine. not 100%, but it's highly effective. so atleast one dose. anyone else, it's expected that over time,gotten two doses because second dose in 1989. firstdose as mentioned, was begun

to be distributed andadministered in 1963. so most people have probably hadone dose of vaccine. at this point, it's considered if youhad that one dose, mmr, it should be good to cover.>>malia: dr. green, do all countries require measles,mumps vaccinations? what. >> not public healthorganization, so there are countries out there that havevery high percentage of individuals with measlesmumps and rubella. what happens is when people getmeasles some of the children

die. some of the childrenget complications. they can become, if they have abad -- they can become blind. mental retardation orintellectual disability. they can, i mean, it's prettycatastrophic and also a lot of those countries have large,large cohorts in their families, birth rate is veryhigh and easy to spread these diseases. i worked in southafrica and swaziland. i saw these things.and i have to tell you, this is just observations of a guywho's been a doc in hawai'i

and pennsylvania andposition, in south africa, volunteer position. i wouldtake the health care profile of our community every dayover the health care profiles of some of these othercountries, or communities that don't have access toimmunizations or don't have resources because when yousee a cluster of people infected with something youfeel as a physician you could have helped prevent, it'sunbelievable. and i never met a mother or father whiletheir child is being, taken

care of their child who couldbe dying of meningitis or suffering severefully casefor a lifetime, then met a parent that didn't justshriek in horror that they can't have done something.they want you to do something. observation as a doc. i'msure there are other position.>>malia: what can you say to parent of an autistic childwho effects after a round of vaccine. can you addressyour experience with that? >> well, let me just say thatif an adult were to come here

practice and suddenly hadlost the ability to walk, to talk, processed language,would probably not consider that. probably accountscan. let's do an mri, let's look into this. if a childcame into your practice, would you say, it's acoincidence, just autism. we doesn't know what.coincidence. vaccinating children younger and younger.tell pregnant women don't drink a glass of wine butvaccinate you with pertussis or flu vac. huge up take inabortions well above what you

would expect. pregnancyafter vaccination. when you look at epidemiology studies,receive the vaccines, looking context. statisticalanalysis. when i hear medical doctors say there isno literature showing there's a link. don't think they'relooking in the right places. i think your observation isbiased as mine is. you seasick people. when i wasyoung, we had measles parties. you were sick orfor a week. oftentimes measles complications comewith secondary opportunistic

infections. doctor mightsay. that's all happening. right here, i have thispackage insert-shall. >>malia: i don't mean tointerrupt you. bring it back to the question about theautism. because you speak from experience.can you people's concerns in terms of that.>> i think -- autism is brain damage. we call it autism.why it presents -- different paths. there ways.(inaudible) package insert. one of the adverse events forthe vaccines is autism.

listed right on the packet.what you receive in the doctor's office, tells you,you know, sign this, we're going to vaccine your in a million chance your child will be harmed. that'snot package insert. available in the fda.govwebsite. take a look at what you're injecting into yourchild. decide do a risk benefit analysis of your own.if you're able, profile of your child.>>malia: are there other things being done in terms ofincreasing the amount of

genetic profiles determiningwhether there might be groups that are not vaccineappropriate? >> i'm sure there are. alsostudies trying to determine are we seeing increasinginstance of autism related to vaccine or vaccine injures,et cetera. there was a very interesting study, verylandmark study done about i a group in california actuallylooking at all of their entire autism registry because therewas this wondering if they're linked. what they found wasthat autism was increasing in

incidents. but meanwhile,during a time when we were seeing increase. why are weseeing an increase in autism when we were doing all wecould issues around vaccines. as well as seeing increase invaccine preventions. if you look at some countries wherethey have other things. they don't see the same thing we doin terms of autism and things like that.i trying to point out yes, there are studies out thereand everyone is trying to look at the different studies andtrying to understand better.

i think again, we're alwaystrying to understand. right now, at this point, there isnot compelling evidence. it doesn't mean you stoplooking. but from my perspective, what i findreally just sad, really to me, as a pediatrician, who caresabout all of these kids, is the fact, i actually worry howthe kids who have autism. i know you sort of discounted myconcern, but i am worried. what i worry most about is isee all of this effort looking at, let's do vaccines, i wantto see more research into

understanding autism.>> (overlapping conversation)>>malia: everyone is going to get a chance to address that.what i would like to do is start with you, dr. horowitz.we're going to go around the table. everyone hasinformation to share. >> the first thing is mostparents, like your question, have concern how do you dealwith the problem after it's created. in medicine, youhave to diagnose before you can treat. you have to seethrough diagnosis, means see

through to the root of thedisorder. well, root of disorder in thevaccinationings is you have what's called antegeniccomplexes. when you get injected with foreign r and aand dna as he mentioned, all of these different sources,bacteria virus, funk us, yeast, smallpox. literallycow p us. protein particles land on your own host cellproteins. globule, immune system recognizes the wholecomplex. sends messages out to the white cell bodyguardsthroughout the entire immune

system. says, if you seethis, attack and destroy. you have the explanation whyyou have all the of the increases and auto immunediseases. 80 some odd new diseases have been promptedfrom the vaccinationings. you have fatigue, myalgia,lupus, lieu gerwig's disease. adult and juvenile type 1diabetes, crohn's disease, my mother died from after she gotthe swine flu vaccine in 1976. i can go on an on. there's 80some odd diseases. so the reality is these folksthat as you mentioned, have a

paradigm, you have view of theway a human being is, and chemically treat it, we'regoing to pharmaceutically treat it, completelyneglecting what the other tests previously scheduleddealing with holistic medicine. i don't know aboutyou, but i'm a spiritual being. energy being. and iwant to be treated as such and now, you begin to integratethe entire religious and philosophical.>>malia: i would like to go to dr. green,.>> i would say each of us can

be choose to be treat the howwe like to be treated. that's part of the respect forall humankind. my general belief about these multipleepidemiology concerns and diseases and syndromes, isthat there is a multitude of insults to the immune system,that, yes, are very scary and terrifying. and you can talkabout heavy metals. talk about pesticides.>> you can talk about all of these things developed overthe last 100, 200 years. that in my opinion is what iscausing an up tick in

developmental disorders thatare tragic and a lot of these other major problems. but topigeonhole physicians as in only focused on one medicalmodel, that's not a reasonable way to approachthings. that's a bombastic approach. there are manyphysicians naturopaths, people will choose path buttake care of more people. >> -- largely2001 -- compound. taking childhood vaccine, vaccinefor children, six and under. other one as well. however,when we look at statistics, i

don't believe it's the causeof autism. contributing factor. look at thestatistics from the cdc, one in 68 people, children born in2002. you would not seen the effects of that coming out ofof the vaccine. could be we'll see the reduction.more concerned about -- implicated -- syndrome. they injure adults as well. so briefly -- if youwere getting a killed virus, your body will not recognizeit and go on the offensive. we have to do something,official to ramp up your

immune system. most commonway is aluminum hydroxide. shown to be neurotoxic. peerreviewed journals. work by -- done a lot of work inautoimmunes -- large concern. many foreignbodies that don't belong in your body. flu vaccine iscultivated in army -- room. parasite.>>malia: if dr. green? >> reality is people put a lotof chemical toxins in their bodies and i think peoplecould do a lot better taking care of themselves. i don'tthink dr. park has a chance in

the last round.i defer. >> you're not a physician. iunderstand that you don't -- i would understandand appreciate that you don't have the same perspectivethat we do. but just to your comment about how vaccineswork, posit to you, present to you, how do you supposenatural immunity then occurs? occurs exactly the same -->>malia: 30 seconds. >> difference is vaccine onlypresents that part to induce your body as foreign.disease will go do that and

give you the disease itselfand complication, the idea of vaccine try to introducesomething to the body in a safe fashion. studies needto continue. >>malia: dr. horowitz, 10seconds. >> word immunization is acomplete fraud. immunization is a naturalexposure to a natural germ, natural route and vaccinationis an injection, intoxicating, full of allsorts of chemicals. >>malia: have to leave itthere. thank you. thanks

everyone. proposed hoopilicommunity on agricultural land in ewa has cleared ahurdle in the city council. also reignited the debateover whether oahu should rezone more prime farmingland for development. supporters of the housingproject say it's sustainable with plans that includehomes, commercial space and schools. also preservingsome areas for farming. agriculture proponents saysome of the crops that grow in avenue can't survive inwetter parts of island. with

the push for more locallysourced food, they argue that keeping the land foragriculture is essential. next week, which does hawai'ineed more. next time on insights on pbs hawaii. i'mmalia mattoch. kung hee fat choy and a hui ho.

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