Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Natural Treatment for a review of the disease Natural Medicine for review disease skin disease


Natural Treatment for a review of the disease Natural Medicine for review disease skin disease

hi all, if you are looking for a way to learnhow to cure vitiligo naturally than i am sure you will find the following video very helpful.i have struggled with living with vitiligo and the mental warfare that comes with livingwith this disease for the past 20 plus years and have tirelessly searched for the bestinformation and science based research on how to cure vitiligo over the past 10 yearsor so. i have recently, (over the past 4 and a half months) began to achieve what i believeto be a potential cure to my vitiligo by applying a few simple changes that i have made to mydiet and lifestyle. today i will share the exact details of thenatural vitiligo treatment protocol that i am using to achieve my vitiligo repigmentationwhich is happening at quite a significant

rate. in this video i will show you the scientificresearch that i have based this natural vitiligo treatment on and show you a video of the vitiligorepigmentation results that i have achieved so far, 4 and a half months in. i will alsoshare some specific dietary tips and supplements that i have been using to help stimulate mymelanin to come back. i hope this video will help you be able totake the steps required to treat vitiligo and perhaps may even cure your vitiligo onceand for all. this video will help you learn how to treat vitiligo from home in a completelynatural way. it may a take a while to get through everything in this video so grab apen and paper and take some notes or bookmark the video so you can watch it again later.

ok guys so i just want to show you the vitiligorepigmentation results that i have achieved so far. first of all my arm was almost 80%white from my wrist to my elbow only a few months ago and as you can see here in thevideo the spots are starting to fill in and many areas with vitiligo spots are completelyreturning to the normal skin color. what’s happening is the spots tend to start fillingin with a bunch of very small dots that gradually get bigger and then join to fill in the area.as you can see where my arm used to be a vivid white it has now more of a freckled look.a bout 4 months ago my hand was complelty white with no colour what so ever and as youcan see now my hand is about 30% repigmented. this is exciting to me though as most researchshows that the hands and feet are very difficult

to repigment but it seems to be coming backon my hands just as fast as on my arms and neck. again here on my shins i now have onlysmall dots left where the patch used to be about 2cm wide and pure white. my shins andneck have cleared up the fastest since changing up my diet and using supplements. my feetand my knees are so far are not responding anywhere near as quickly as the other areason my body. spots on my face are also filling in at a slow rate. but i don’t really carehow fast it happens as long as i’m making progress. let me show you what i have beendoing to get these results. alright, so my natural vitiligo treatmentprotocol is based on scientific journals and books i have read and a little bit of trialand error from living with the disease over

the past 2 decades. it is very difficult totell exactly what components of my vitiligo treatment protocol is helping me to reverse,or cure my vitiligo, so my plan is to continue to follow all of the following dietary andlifestyle changes each and every day until i achieve full repigmentation of my vitiligo.as you just saw in the video at only 4 and half months in i have achieved some excitingresults…… so let’s get into the specifics of the vitiligotreatment protocol and delve into the studies from which i based my vitiligo specific lifestylechanges on. firstly, i found an interesting study by monteset al, outlining the improvement of vitiligo after treatment with b12 and folic acid incombination with sun exposure (montes et al,

folic acid and vitamin b12 in vitiligo: anutritional approach). this particular study was undertaken on 100 people with vitiligo.results of this vitiligo treatment study indicated that repigmentation occurred in 52 patientswith 6 people achieving full repigmentation over the course of the study which i believewas around 6 months. so from this research , and other things i have read it looks likesome people with vitiligo respond better to b12 and folic acid supplementation than others.but i think it is definitely worthwhile trying out b12 and folic acid supplementation tosee if you are one of these people who tend to respond well to the treatment. patientsin this study took 1mg of a specific type of b12 and 5mg of folic acid 3 times per day.initially i found the specific variations

used in the study of these supplements hardto find locally specifically in soft shell of this particular version of b12 which issupposed to be more easily absorbed and effective, but i have managed to locate the correct typeonline. i will provide a link in the description below to the exact b12 and folic acid supplementsthat i am taking so you guys can easily track them down if you want to. interestingly anotherstudy i found by (karadag et al) showed that many people with vitiligo have a b12 deficiencyso supplementation of b12 for vitligo definelty made sense to me.the second interesting vitiligo treatment study that i incorporated into my naturalvitiligo treatment protocol was that of prasad et al 2003 “effectiveness of oral ginkgobiloba in treating limited, slowly spreading

vitiligo” who found that a specific blendof ginko biloba can induce repigmentation in people with vitiligo. ginko bilioba isone of the oldest living tree species and has been used in eastern medicine for thousandsof years. basically the researchers found that ginko biloba is a strong antioxidantthat can limit oxidative stress which is believed to lead to further depigmentation in thosewith vitiligo. so basically we have to do everything we can to stop this free radicaldamage in our bodies by reducing oxidative stress. there are a few other dietary changesthat i have been trying to reduce free radical damage which i will share with you later inthis video. but back to the ginko biloba study on vitiligo repigmentation. in this studypatients were given 40mg of ginko biloba extract

3 times daily. in this study a number of peopleachieved significant repigmentation of their vitiligo. to be more precise 10 people achievedcomplete repigmentation of their white spots. i found these vitiligo repigmentation resultsto be very exciting and knew that i had to implement ginko biloba into my own personalvitiligo treatment. if you want to try ginko biloba supplementation for yourself be verycareful to purchase the correct type as some are much better quality and much more effectivethan others. after a lot of research i found a product that i use that matches the ginkobiloba used in the prementioned research. the supplement contains all the required leafextract properties in the correct amounts. i will link to the ginko biloba that i amusing in the description below to make it

easy for you to track down.thirdly, another thing that i have incorporated into my natural vitiligo treatment protocolis the use of copper and zinc. i started to try to get more copper and zinc into my bodybased on based on some interesting research by zeng et al, 2014. the study is named”decreased copper and zinc in serum of chinese vitiligo patients: a metaanalysis”. basicallyin this study the researchers discovered that people with vitiligo tend to have lower levelsof copper and zinc which may lead to the onset and progression of the disease. i have takenthe advice of the study and have begun to take a high quality zinc supplement daily(you can check out the video description below for more details on the one that i am taking).just remember zinc is most effectively absorbed

and utilized in liquid form.copper supplementation is little bit different as it is believed to be best absorbed throughthe skin form what i have read. to achieve this i have begun wearing two copper braceletsto bed at night. of course if you wanted to try this you could wear a bracelet duringthe day but i don’t like the way they look so i don’t. if you can find a high qualitycopper bracelet and wear it for a few hours of the day you will get a steady supply ofcopper through your skin. if you do want to purchase a copper bracelet make sure thatyou get a 100% pure medical grade copper bracelet. when i was looking for one i noticed thatmany manufacturers say these bracelets are pure but they have contaminants in them oncloser inspection. i will provide a link to

the quality bracelets that i wear in the descriptionbelow. they are not that expensive. i think i only paid around $20 each.another thing that i try to help to cure my vitiligo is to get more sun. in the past ihave tried to avoid the sun as i tan very easily and it really increases the contrastof the spots. however, research suggests that sunlight can play a very important role invitiligo repigmentation plus it has many other health benefits such as bone, heart and musclehealth. in the past i have gone through periods of time when i have avoided the sun like theplague to not get tanned but i have come to reliise that i cant keep sacrificing my healthjust to keep my skin as pale as possible. these days i try to get at least 5-15 minutesof sun here in australia between 10-3pm most

days of the week. of course here in australiathe sun can be brutally harsh so depending on where you live you may need less or more.if you can’t get to the sun daily perhaps you could try a home uvb lamp. i haven’tused these uvb lamps myself but it may be worth a try. just be careful when out in thesun or using uvb treatment because as you know we burn very easily. whenever i go outin the sun for longer i always wear a natural sunscreen that has no nasty chemicals. somechemicals found in popular sunscreans are believed to increase free radicals in theskin which is definelty not us people with vitiligo want. i will put a link to the naturalsunscreen that i have found that is void of these nasties if i can find it online. checkthe description below for details. i buy it

in my local chemist but if i find it onlinei will put a link in the description for you guys. sometimes a natural sunscreen can bea pain to track down but i think it’s definetly worth doing everything we can to try to preventthe spread of vitiligo while in the process of treating the disease. of course if you get sun you will get tannedand the contrast of your spots will get worse. at certain times in the past this has botheredme so i have opted on using products to cover my spots when i have a special occasion toattend. i have sometimes used a vitiligo complexion blender in the past to cover my spots (illput a link in the description if you want to check it out) i have found that the complexionblender it works really well on the large

spots on my neck and face but i would ratheravoid it as it contains some ingredients that i don’t really want to apply to my skinanymore. these days if i want to cover my remaining vitiligo spots i use an organicfake tan lotion that i found. it produces similar results as the vitiligo complexionblender without the nasty chemicals plus it tends to last for a week or more without fading.i have tried a heap of fake tans to cover my vitiligo in the past but i have found thatthis organic version looks, smells and performs the best out of the lot. i will place a linkto it in the description below if you guys want to learn more about it. i like the ideaof using the organic tan as i implement other healthy lifestyle and supplement changes inmy life.

i try not to cover my vitiligo too much anymoreas i am slowly learning to live with it. but to be honest i think it is the repigmentationprogress that i am making with my natural vitiligo protocol that is giving me a senseof been in control of the disease rather than feeling like the disease is controlling meif you know what i mean. i feel more comfortable with my spots at the moment as i now livewith a sense that they won’t be around for much longer and i must admit it feels great.i just try to remain positive and focused on the fact that i am treating my vitiligowith success. taking the supplements daily is a bit of a pain initially but after a fewdays you get into a habit and it gets a lot easier to remember.the final thing that i believe has helped

me start to repigment my vitiligo spots isincorporating certain vitiligo specific dietary changes in my life. i used to eat a quiteunhealthy diet but have definetly turned that around recently and i think it is playinga large part in my potential vitiligo cure. not only am i repigmenting since i made thesedietary changes but am also feeling much better and have lost quite a bit of belly fat inthe process over the last few months. basically the diet changes focus on restoring the auto-immunesystem and reducing free radical damge. all of the dietary changes that i am implementingare from an interesting vitiligo e-book that i found online. the book is written by a vitiligoresearcher and certified nutritionist who actually has beat vitiligo himself . the bookgave me access to a heap of awesome vitiligo

diet specific recipes and tips on what toeat and when. i cant remember the name of the guy who wrote it but i will track it downwhen i get home and put a link to it in the description. i think the book cost me about$30 and then vitiligo cookbook addition which they offer was around $7 extra. i believethat this vitiligo specialist who wrote the book also offers a few months of free oneon one email consultations when you purchase his book. i haven’t worried about takingup his offer but maybe some of you would find his one on one advice helpful. he seems tobe very knowlegable on the trials of living with vitiligo. his book also touches on thepsychological side of vitiligo which i found to be a worthwhile read also. there are alsosome nice audio tracks that are helpful with

the mental side of living with vitiligo. ifound it helpful in finding a happy perspective and overcoming depression which i know manyof us struggle with at times living with this disease. the vitiligo cookbooks gave me somegreat tips on what to eat and more importantly what not to eat. i could talk about the changesi have made in my diet for hours and unfortuntly i don’t have the time right now to go throughit in enough detail that will actually help you. i believe that the e-book that i am referringtoo comes with a 60 day money back garauntee so if you really wanted to you could buy thebook print the diet info out and then get a refund. i think its definetly worth themoney though and nice to have to refer to know and then. the book gurantees that itcan cure vitiligo within 8 weeks which i think

is a bit of a stretch. but like i said i’mfour and a half months in and seeing great results so i’m not complaining. althoughi must admit i havnt completely followed the diet to an absolute tee. whether the repigmentationresults are from my supplementation regime or from the dietary changes from the booki am not sure. i will definetly strictly stick to both for now. i think consistency is thekey as i had one or two bad weeks where i started eating badly and forgot to take mysupplements everyday and it seemed to slow my progress. so yes it does take some effortto beat vitiligo but i am proof that it can be reversed in a relatively short period oftime. basically on the vitiligo diet you eat specificfoods and herbs that help support the immune

system and reduce free radical damage. ifyou guys really want to know more i might make a detailed video in the future aboutthe dietary changes i made. in the mean time i definitely recommend checking out the e-book.it doesn’t cost much and is very professionally designed, easy to follow , print off recipesto keep in the kitchen, definitely worth it. i will place a link below when i get homeso you guys can check it out. i found it super helpful in getting me to eat healthier ina vitiligo specific way and hopefullt you do too. in a way vitiligo has made me a muchhealthier person as i probably wouldn’t be eating this well if i wasn’t trying tosave my skin. thanks for taking the time to watch this videotoday to learn about my natural vitiligo treatment

that i am hoping will soon lead to a fullvitiligo cure. i have tried to implement all of these changes into my life at once so itis hard to tell exactly which ones are leading to the changes but for know i am happy tocontinue doing what i am doing as my spots are disappearing and am generally feelingmuch better than ever. hopefully you have found these studies and resources helpfulin allowing you to learn how to cure your vitiligo and or at very least stop your vitiligofrom spreading further. for any of you youngsters who are in the early stages of vitiligo isuggest doing everything you can to stop the spread of vitiligo as soon as possible. iwish i knew what i new what i now now about vitiligo when i was young as i believe itwould have saved me a lot of stress and anxiety.

i think that taking a preventive approachto your vitiligo treatment or cure is always a much better way to go if your vitiligo hasnot yet spread to much. when you don’t look after yourself vitiligo can spread very fastso definetly look after yourself as best you can. i have learnt a lot from living withvitiligo and am probably going to end up been a lot healthier because of it. so take controlof your vitiligo by using the evidence based tips and tricks. good luck on your journeyto overcoming vitiligo. it is a relatively slow process but i’m sure that if we keepdoing the right things we can overcome and cure this annoying disease. if you found thisvideo helpful be sure to give it a thumbs up below. if you have had any success treatingyour vitiligo . i would love to hear your

story about living with vitiligo and how youcope, so please comment below. don’t forget to check out the links in the descriptionfor the exact products that i am using to help repigment. if you have any questionsfeel free to ask. i will try to make some more helpful videos on my experiences of livingwith vitiligo in the future and keep you updated on my progress so be sure to subscribe tomy channel. best of luck on your journey to cure vitiligo.

Natural Treatment for a review of the disease Natural Medicine for review disease skin disease Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Selfi Suswanto
